Friday, December 4, 2015

Self- Confidence

So I've thinking  lately about how I'm not perfect in a lot of areas in my life. But as I got to thinking about some of the things I asked myself,  ''Why am I not perfect?''...the reason is, is because no one is perfect. It took me awhile to reliaze that but as I reliazed that, I began to think about self- confidence. Self- confidence has so many meanings for example, it means composure and self-assurance which both of these are things a person has to have in their life in order to get somewhere in life. I was thinking about how I can play piano but can't play how I would like to play.I've always just wanted to sit down at the piano and just play a song not by chording but by notes...I can't read notes but I like the sound of notes. So as I sat down at the piano yesterday I told myself that I was going to learn the Christmas song  ''Silent Night'' by note and find the notes by myself. I got a notebook and a pen and hit keys until I found the perfect key which was the d key, then I hit the e key, back to d and then on to b. I reliazed that I was picking out the notes, I continued until I had the whole song completed and in that moment realized that I accomplished something I didn't think I could do! I thought to myself ...''What made me finish this without quitting?''. It was self- confidence. I put my everything into that moment and realized that I didn't let fear or the ''I'm not good enough'' or the ''I can't'' get in my way. I thought I would share this with ya'll because this because just realizing this ... self-conidence has changed my view on a lot of things. I hope this helps anyone who has struggled with something similar. Don't let people drive fear into you...If they criticize you for something that your doing right just ignore those kind of people. If there's someone that does something better than you don't let their greatness get in the way of you doing that same thing just as good. I hope ya'll enjoy this post and I hope it helps!

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